Three amazing women

Three amazing women

Caught a few minutes of Screen Awards last night and it left me wondering how I’ll
be a few decades from today. Definitely not like them, nor do I want to be like any
other for sure…too individualistic an I is inside me. You know? I(t) will rebel.

But we both agree mutually and honestly that the three ladies impressed and
inspired us beyond words can express.

Rekha, Hema Malini and Shabana Azmi – wow! simply amazing!

All those critics who talk of Rekha’s eyes being pulled and forehead being shot or
was it short of Botox, whatever, and tucks being hidden behind yards of
Kanchipuram…can take a walk. She’s the ultimate diva of Indian cinema! Shayari or
verse, in English, Urdu or Hindi, the lady speaks the way each needs to be spoken.
Glad the zealots accept that. No more do we hear of the South Indian actress tag
spat in ugly glue!

But wonder how many lifespans Hema Malini will need to learn to twirl her tongue!
Couple of lines were Tamilish for sure, the rest was Hindi wrapped in something…I
need to Google it. But who cares, at 60-plus she continues to be the dreamgirl of
Indians. She is the only Bollywood old-timer who seems to have maintained her
figure, so effortlessly shall I say? Definitely it’s all those classical
performances she’s passionate about that keeps her a class apart.

But classes apart and zillions at that is Shabana Azami. Beauty she never was nor
is; but she is one woman who has aged gracefully. Think of her body of work, no
ugly thoughts here… more of those sans grease paint…doesn’t it reflect her
inner radiance? Am a bit partial here for I love women who speak their mind and
fluently at that and in polished dialects and on most subjects… well, I’ll
mention no more. Am not an opiniated person yet, you see…

However, Rekha’s magnetism is awesome! Just speaking my mind.

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