01 Oct Butt… it’s my feet!

Okay so that’s my feet. And that’s exactly the colour I chose. For ages I shied away from painting my toe nails, hiding them inside shoes ashamed because they weren’t feminine enough, just like I hid my posterior in baggy pants for the very same reason.
My battle with my lower-half started young. My mom was the first to say of my feet and the butt was but a post-marriage addition, need I say even. Men are men!
And women are women, too. We wanna be a stick and yet stick it out. I was no different. I started hogging in the hope of putting on some, but derrr..ieee… I was only left holding folds and flab.
As a toddler I lay down spread on a mat with egg-white on my legs under the morning Sun rays, I remember my mom telling me every time I had a fall. “Your feet are still weak…” and off she would go on about how she feared I may never walk.
Years later, I feared if I ever will look feminine enough and so jumped on to massage tables letting anyone who promised to straighten me out. I also hit the gym but the trainer began instructing me on walking right. Apparently my weight falls on my hips way too far that it ought to and that’s detrimental to my spine. So as an adult I shed, what was remaining by then of my modesty, and let the beefed up trainer teach me how to suck in my core, hold the pelvic bones just right there and place the heel of one foot firmly on the ground as the toe of the other flirted above ground all at the same fraction of a second for each step I took. When my tolerance snapped, I bid him goodbye.
Straight I went to a yoga instructor. “Surya Namskar, she said, “is equivalent to doing 45minutes of cardio.” Wow! that’s what I needed, when she added, “if you do 100 rounds and sweat it out.” Rats arse!
Wonder why we cannot have a clear intent? Why we need to sculpt ourselves to another’s definition of what is right and acceptable? Whoever that may be – parents, partner, colleague, neighbour, friend or lifestyle experts. Are you comfortable with your body – is all that matters. If you aren’t, then do it for yourself. Not for anyone else. And do it because you wanna feel good, not because you wanna ‘fit-in’ or because that’s the fad.
Today I painted my nails orange. My beauty of a daughter exclaimed “Gosh, I wanna puke!
“Please baby! go ahead!”
Look up-close and you see black dots – hair in-growth. Because I shaved my legs once upon a time. Whatever you are today, is the choice you made in the past. Lol! Life mastery lessons, applies to beauty regimen, too. But two hoots I care. If it’s displeasing to your eye, shut them. My eyes have long last opened. And am revelling in the sight it beholds for me every single day.
Live your life women!
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