02 Oct 2 tips for communicating through energy
Energy communicates louder than words.
And that begins with our stories in our head. Each one of us is at all times either saying these stories or selling these stories to others. If the listener buys our story, believes our story, dismisses our story, or remains unattached depends on the level of AWARENESS of the listener. The listeners’ reaction will depend on how conscious they are.
Notice how you are buying a story
For instance, if a person comes over to me and details to me an incident that involved her and how heroically she overcame that and was adulated by everyone… and I FEEL the story she told me, I would think, ‘Wow, that’s real impressive’. So, I bought her story.
If I listened and FELT, ‘Okay, so she wanted to impress me’. I am not confused as I know myself and what I FEEL. I did not buy her story. I was just an observer.
The manner we express ourselves in words and the manner we carry ourselves while doing so, reveals what we subconsciously want the other person to think about us.
‘Fake it till you make it’ – is a widely accepted concept among budding public speakers. It works on the same principle. However, if the listener is conscious and highly aware, they will say, “the speaker appears confident on stage”. Alternatively, if the listener is unaware, they will say, “Wow, What a confident speaker.!”
Your ENERGY travels faster than your words.
No matter how rehearsed we are, we sell our fears and insecurities to others.
Notice how you are selling your story
Some casual conversations can leave us more afraid and in trepidation. It’s quite common now – if you around people who are unaware, who rattles of Covid numbers and the state of the economy and how the future is doomed, you need to be absolutely aware of yourself not to be adversely affected.
So also, we do sell [influence] our happiness and joy and confidence, too.
Haven’t you had experiences of spending time with someone and return more alert, active and relaxed? That’s a conscious person, who is vibrating high – one who is aware, grounded, and comfortable in his/her skin.
Your ENREGY is always AUTHENTIC unlike your words.
Therefore, do NOT buy into others’ stories blindly. No matter how great they seem, pause, and ask yourself, “Why am I FEELING thus? Why am I thinking so? Is this my opinion, too, or my friend’s opinion that I am influenced by?”
About Nisha Sanjeev
Nisha is a Transformation Strategist specializing in Practical Spirituality. She is an author, speaker and healer on a mission to help women stand in their power, gain the credibility they deserve to have a fulfilling career as professionals and homemakers and creating the life they desire.
She brings her real world experience of being a Journalist for over 20 years and her learnings from Spiritual Masters to her signature courses.
She is the author of 2 books. First book ‘Anamica’ details how an Indian girl goes into the verge of depression by sacrificing her self-worth and desires to live for others.
‘Step Out ‘n’ Step It Up’details how one can tap into their Inner Power to create the life they so desire.
Click here for her latest book on Amazon: https://amzn.to/2GtxBzT
Subscribe to her YouTube Channel – https://bit.ly/2rqofuT
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